7 Tips for Successful Weight Loss Surgery

It’s no secret that losing weight is a difficult achievement for people around the globe. Regardless of the countless diets and effort that you put, you just can’t seem to be satisfied with your image. Many have gravitated to a weight loss surgery procedure which can promise pleasurable results. Here are 7 tips that are recommend to be followed after weight loss surgery and in general these tips can set the foundation to healthier lifestyle.
1. In the early stages of weight loss surgery, keep your body active
You should condition your body to daily physical activities as it’s expected to lose 50-60 pounds the first six months following the surgery. A risk for loss of muscle is mentioned before the procedure and intense strength training is recommended. 90% of lean in the tissue can be saved if you exercise daily.
2. Participate in a weight loss program
There are many programs that boost confidence and give patients that leap of hope to remain a desirable figure and healthy lifestyle. It’s recommended that you invest your time on programs that create motivation.
3. Keep a positive mindset
Reminiscing certain foods is normal for patients after weight loss surgery. It’s important that you control cravings and remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place.
4. Say bye to bad habits
In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle after weight loss surgery, you must adjust to drastic changes and evolve into a new lifestyle. Changes such as better portion control, daily exercise, avoiding carbs, and always staying on track when it comes to your weight.
5. Vitamins MAKE a difference
Vitamins can reduce appetite while giving you the energy and protein your body needs. Following the sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass, meals are cut by 4 ounces daily. It is crucial that you take vitamins to avoid fatigues and cravings.
6. Carbohydrates are not your friend!
Carbohydrates are common in nearly every meal therefore, can be hard to avoid. Carbs are broken down at a faster rate leading to an appetite for more meals and sugary foods. Replace proteins for carbohydrates!
7. Portion control: How much food should you consume?
Many people assume that the quantity of food served on a plate is the rational amount to eat. Which is why portion control is an important factor to weight loss. When great quantities are served, we train our bodies to overeat. Health professional advice that food measurement and slow eating can help with staying fit.