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Lipoma Weight Loss Excision
A small, thorough incision is the answer to removing the tumorous growth on your body, and losing weight.

What Are Lipomas?
If you have noticed small lumps on the behind your neck, head, shoulders or back, it could be signs of a minor benign tumor growing beneath the soft tissue or fatty tissue of skin known as Lipomas. They appear in people of all ages, but are more commonly present in those between the ages of 40- 60. For the most part, these growths are harmless but still pose an unsightly inconvenience for many. The surgeons and facility professionals at Weight Loss Los Angeles are here to ensure a painless lipomas removal and you feel comfortable in your skin at all times from any angle. Again, a lipoma is a benign tumor in the fat cells of skin, and must be diagnosed by a professional. These multiple lipomas, or soft lumps, are under the skin. While generally harmless, some can be so deep that they affect vital organs, blood vessels, and nerves.
Though the direct cause isn’t guaranteed, it is believed to be connected to age along with obesity and the possibility of liver disease.
Do You Have Lipomas?
Not all Lipomas conditions are the same. Weight Loss Los Angeles can observe and diagnose your condition. If you’re not entirely sure that the growth is lipomas, your doctor can run physical tests as well as CT scans, ultrasounds, and MIR scans to determine the type. Some are more severe than others in mass clusters while some lipomas stand alone. These are soft, puffy lumps that aren’t usually painful nor do they have any purpose for or against your body aside from the unsightly and at times uncomfortable protrusion. That being said, some can be undesirably big and cause pain or discomfort. WLLA surgeons can quickly and effectively remove them through a surgical process known as Lipoma Excision.

Do You Need a Lipoma Excision?
This surgery isn’t for everyone and there are situations that may require more attention than others. These are the circumstances that may fit your situation.
- Your lipoma(s) is painful, either throbbing or painful to the touch.
- The growth is getting too large to endure in everyday life.
- It is in an awkward spot on your body.
- It is unsightly.
- You fear and underlying complication such as Liposarcoma or malignancy.
Different Types of Lipomas
There are many different kinds of Limpomas and all of them can be removed by some variation of a Limpoma Excision because of either location or their makeup. You must speak with your surgeon to ensure that your condition can be properly managed. Here are a few types that a lipoma excision can be performed on:
- Angiolipomas
- Neomophic Lipomas
- Spindle Cell Lipomas
- Adenolipomas
While some lipomas are hereditary and harmless others can be connected to more serious medical conditions. There are some conditions that pose the issue of multiple growths being spread across the body. In other cases they can be abnormal and extremely painful while those that form on the neck known as Madelung Disease, can obstruct the respiratory system. Unless you’re certain that yours are harmless to your health, it’s best to consult a doctor as soon as possible so they can recommend the best path to take in treatment. There are other methods to eliminate these timorous growths but the safest and most effective method depending on the station of your condition is the Lipoma Excision.
Preparing for Your Procedure
All patients approach their operation a little differently. Your doctor at WLLA will ensure that you have all details needed to be ready for your specialized excision. On some occasions, when anesthesia is involved, you may be asked not to eat the day prior to your operation.

During Your Procedure
Patients are administered anesthesia to put them asleep when the incisions are being made. If you are unable to take anesthesia then you will be given pain reliever and minorly sedated. Your surgeon will then make a large around the affected area to ensure that the entire growth has been removed. The analysis of your body before this surgery guarantees that no vital nerves or vessels will be impacted. When your operation is completed, the surgeon sutures the incision. This is a quick operation that has approximately a 14 day healing rate depending on the severity and urgency of your operation.
Risks of Lipoma Excision
Like all surgical operations, lack of proper care increases the risk of infection. Depending on where your incision was done, an infection can affect vital nerves and cause long term damage. There is also a high chance of bleeding and blood clotting. During the healing process, you may encounter fluid or blood that pools beneath the skin, creating a bruise-like lump that may require a follow-up operation. Some extents of a lipoma excisions may also cause a permanent scar.
Results of Lipoma Excision
When healing and recovery are successful, the only trace of lipoma should be the incision made to remove it. The discomfort or cosmetic inconsistency caused by it should be completely eliminated. Because these can be cancerous, it’s important to have a follow-up exam for the more serious conditions.

BMI is a measurement of your body fat based on your height and weight. Knowing your BMI can help you understand whether you fall into the categories of Overweight or Obese.
Below 18.5 | Underweight |
18.5 – 24.9 | Normal |
25.0 – 29.9 | Overweight |
30.0 and Above | Obese |

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Here at WLLA, we are prepared to assist you on your journey health and beauty. Take the first step in living your life with confidence by contacting us and scheduling an appointment. By the end of your appointment you will gain a treatment plan customly made for you. Begin your journey by calling us today.
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